? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (102 Ratings)??4172 Grabs Today. 498
31 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????????????????????????????Spacey Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (19 Ratings)??4168 Grabs Today. 24316 Total Grabs. ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Report!! Report!!

Waseh!! so long time didn't online le><
now i am a busy busy persom ow><
seldom can online le!! T.T
i have quite wonderful days sinse the starting of year twenty-ten lor..
i have 19 kids now..
in my orientation group..
they all so cute and we all quite cooperatable^^
hahaha!! love'em all!! GOGO Group 16!!
this year studies so damn hard larh>chi bm eng chem phy maths addmaths moral sej!!
Argh!! homework do till die argh!!!><
now i am also preparing to join RSB..
in some circumstances..
i not sure i am joining or what..
hais..cant manage the time after joining..
so damn difficult le><
haha!! hope i can decide it earlier..
by another reason i'm not sure to join is because..
i'm planning to built up a IFCF in RRSS..
hope i can do it la!! GOGO!!
hope the school authority will allow..
now in church is preparing a so called drama..
i'm acting as his ''wife''???
in practice i laugh non-stop><

that's all for now..
gonna wait for a long time for me to updated le..
thanks for looking at my blog..
Love you all..MWARKZzZ..

Friday, January 1, 2010


★姓名★ 钟丽娜
★马来文名★Chung Li Na
★体重★ 40kg
★来自★ 宇宙的某个角落
★宗族★ 华人
★信仰★ 基督教
★嗜好★ 唱歌,跳舞,游泳,跑,sms,讲话...
★兴趣★ 神学心理学
★怪癖★ 不懂有没有叻~
★性格★ Siao d!!!神经质!!
★职业★ student
★愿望★ 能活的开心..
★地址★ I don't know my home address le~
★颜色★ Purple紫!!
★卡通★ Hello Kitty!!!!><
★花朵★ Lavendar~
★音乐★ 好听的都听..
★食物★ chocolate!!
★饮料★ Barley+Lemon..
★衣服★ weird weird de??
★裤子★ Short de lor><
★裙子★ fancy de~
★穿着★ 耐看就好..
★造型★ 合我就好..
★国家★ Japan..
★艺人★ 金贤重(ss501),Beyonce Knowles..
★物品★ Cute cute de ok larr~
★季节★ Winter~Let'it SNOW Let'it SNOW Let'it SNOW..
★动物★ Depends..
★发型★ Curly curly gua~
★节目★ Dunno..Seldom watch TV..
★电影★ Twilight&New Moon><
★科目★ 华文!!
★运动★ Swimming~
★朋友★ 瀚,淑慧,Aly,Joanna,Janice,Ariane,Ivy..
★模特儿★ Didn't Notice..
★造型师★ Nope..
★座右铭★ GoGO!!!!!!!
★华语歌★ 身骑白马—徐佳莹
★英文歌★ How am i Supposed to live without you-Micheal Bolton
★马来歌★ Istimewa
★广东歌★ ??
★福建歌★ ??
★电视剧★ 花样男子Boys over Flower..
★遗憾之事★ 读书不行..Hais..
★若时光能倒流?★ 好好读书..
★若选择一个人永远爱你?★ 如果上帝允许..
★若自己是亿万富翁★ Half of it for my family..1/10 to church..the rest..spend myself!!
★若有一天醒来,发现自己的样子变成金城武/蔡依林,你会?★ 哇靠!!不会吧!?!
★若有三个愿望★ 爸妈回教会,弟弟永远健健康康,做智慧的人..
★雨天/晴天★ 雨天..No one will realise i cry in rain..
★爱情/自由★ 自由
★黑/白★ 白
★海边/山上★ 海邊
★唱歌/跳舞★ both..
★美貌/性格★ 性格
★平淡/轰烈的日子★ 平淡
★相信/提防★ 相信
★头脑好/性格好★ both..
★干皮肤/油皮肤★ 都不要
★金钱/快乐★ 快乐
★目前快乐吗★ Yesh!!
★朋友对你好吗★ Yesh!!
★你受朋友欢迎吗★ maybe..
★好朋友是★ Family..
★单身/恋爱★ 单身..
★相信一辈子吗★ nope..除非神应许..
★喜欢自己吗★ Not really
★相信自己吗★ 相信gua~
★悲观/乐观★ both..
★若说最后一句话就哑口,你会★ say 'haleluya"!!
★若明天世界末日,你会★ pray God to Get my Back to Heaven..
★若你爱的人明天离开你,你会★ cry e~
★最喜欢的一句话★ Haha!!


Year 2o1o..Jan 2..
My 1st 2o1o blog..
Yesterday i done quite a few things..
I finished correcting my Orientation Group Presentation song
*it sucks though xP*..
And Church Youth About..Helped by someone^^
After having dinner with him..
Church Choir!!!!!Wakaka!!
then back home grab some pics from 老豆's laptop><>